Bader Hillel Academy Homework Policy

Bader Hillel Academy staff designed the homework policy to have a greater impact on our student learning outcomes. We reviewed existing policies and research. We analyzed literature, examined current practices and solicited input from our parent body. Through this process we have developed our Bader Hillel Academy homework policy that clearly defines the expectations for parents, students, teachers and administration to make homework meaningful for students. 

Homework consists of each child sharing with family the joys of learning and expanding one’s horizons.

First & Second Grades:
As reading fluency is the capstone of these grade levels, homework will primarily consist of Hebrew and English reading practice. Children will alternate between English Language Arts and Hebrew studies every other night. Students at this level are expected to start developing ownership and a responsibility for their own learning. Research shows that short and consistent intervals of practice will position students for mastery.

Third-Fifth Grades:
Homework assignments are given as a means for retention of factual and practical knowledge, to enhance creative thinking processes and to develop an increased level of metacognition (awareness and understanding of one’s own thought processes, “thinking about thinking”) within each student. As Fourth grade progresses, there will be a few longer-term assignments that will help prepare students for the increased rigor of middle school.

Sixth-Eighth Grades:
BHA’s Middle School homework policy is designed to develop life-long learning skills for our students. In addition to academic outcomes for our students, homework will foster the development of time management and organizational skills that teach our students to make a commitment to, and be responsible for their learning.   

Homework Time Guidelines
K5: No written homework will be given. A short conversation about the child’s school happenings is encouraged.

  • 1st & 2nd Grade: 10-20 minutes per night
  • 3rd & 4th Grade: 30-50 minutes per night
  • 5th & 8th Grade: 1-1½ hours per night

Roles and Responsibilities for Parents:

  • Provide an appropriate place and routine for completing homework.
  • Have materials available for completing homework (pens, pencils, etc.).
  • Check assignment notebook (3rd grade and up) or Sycamore.
  • Monitor and provide encouragement for homework (K-8).
  • Let your child complete the homework independently to the best of his/her abilities.
  • Check to be sure all homework is complete.
  • Sign assignment notebook when homework is completed (3rd grade and up).
  • Contact teacher through Sycamore, electronically, or via note if there are any concerns or questions about a particular assignment.

Roles and Responsibilities for Students:

  • Listen to directions as they are given in class.
  • Ask questions when unsure of an assignment.
  • Write down assignments in assignment notebook (3rd - 8th grade).
  • Bring homework materials home.
  • Adhere to homework routine developed with parents.
  • Complete homework to the best of his/her abilities—neatly and completely.
  • Discuss questions or concerns with parents and/or teacher.
  • Have assignment notebook signed by parents when assignments are completed.
  • Turn in homework when due.

Roles and Responsibilities for Teachers:

  • Ensure students have a clear understanding of homework and expectations (directions, rubrics, neatness, completeness, etc.).
  • Provide a comprehensive schedule for long-term projects.
  • Post all assignments on Sycamore for parents to view.
  • Make certain that students write assignments in assignment notebooks and post on Sycamore.
  • Collect homework and provide feedback or acknowledgement on all assignments.
  • Share any concerns with parents, and corresponding staff members, when a student shows difficulty with homework responsibilities.
  • Coordinate with colleagues to ensure time allocation is adhered to.
  • Avoid giving homework on school or BHA community event nights and during the Jewish holidays.
  • Differentiate for individual needs and abilities appropriate to the age, grade and skill-level of the student.

Roles and Responsibilities for Administration:

  • Coordinate professional staff to ensure students reach their maximum potential.
  • Monitor and support classroom teachers in implementing the homework policy and guidelines in their classroom practice.
  • Direct parents’ homework issues to teachers when appropriate.