School Lunches & Snacks

Bader Hillel Academy adheres strictly to the laws of Kashrut. 

Children may bring dairy or parve snacks and lunches made of foods that are certified kosher. As a constituent of the Milwaukee Jewish Federation, we must follow the rule that no meat, outside of what the school serves, may be brought into the building. We further ask that parents provide healthy snacks such as hummus, crackers, fruits and vegetables. Classroom teachers will provide details regarding snack times and frequency.

Bader Hillel Academy is part of the National School Lunch program which offers all students a nutritionally balanced lunch and allows free and reduced lunches for children that qualify financially. Lunch is prepared fresh in the school’s kosher kitchen each day. Menus are sent home monthly and shared in the Friday Family Memo.

Parents should sign-up for hot lunches via Google Forms monthly. In the event that a student forgets their lunch from home, or doesn’t have a lunch, they will be given a hot lunch and parents will be billed for the cost. Lunches are invoiced monthly and can be charged to the credit card on file in the BHA office.  All balances should be completely settled on a monthly basis.

Each day, the children will either participate in our hot lunch program or bring a lunch from home. Lunch is served at 11:20 AM and the second shift is served at 11:35 AM. For students taking a hot lunch, Bader Hillel Academy has an exemption from the Department of Public Instruction to substitute fruit juice for milk twice a week. This exception is allowed in order for our school to observe kosher laws.

Hot lunch consists of at least one item from each of the following categories:     

  • Meat, poultry, fish, egg, cooked dried peas, beans or cheese.
  • Two vegetables or one vegetable and one fruit or two fruits.
  • Cereal or whole grain or enriched bread products.
  • 100% pure fruit juice or milk.

Lunches sent from home must have these same components.

A record of food sensitivities and other allergies, as well as, any necessary medication or emergency precautions should be kept on file in the school office.  Bader Hillel Academy is a nut-free school. Snacks and meals from home should not contain peanuts or other tree nuts.

Birthday Celebration
Please make arrangements, in advance, with your child’s teacher when celebrating birthdays in school. Any treats brought in must be pre-packaged, kosher and parve. All food brought in the school must have the prior approval of the Judaic teacher. No unannounced snacks or treats will be allowed. Birthday invitations may be given out at school when all children in the class are invited.