Attendance, School Hours & Agenda
Please check BHA's 2020-21 Reopening Plan for COVID-19 modifications to this document. Most of this page has been modified due to COVID guidelines.
The school day begins promptly at 8:10 AM and ends at 3:40 PM.
At the end of daylight savings time in November, Friday classes end at 2:00 PM in observance of Shabbat. When daylight savings begins in the spring, Friday dismissal returns to 3:40 PM.
Arrival/Drop Off
It is extremely important that our students are present at the beginning of our instructional day. Students may begin arriving at school ten minutes prior to the start of the school day (8:00 AM); or, earlier if registered with our Before School Program.
Upon arrival at 8:00 AM students should report directly to their first period classrooms. Parents can drop students off at the front “Star Door” or park in the designated parent/visitor parking area and bring their child into the school.
Students coming in to school after 8:10 AM are considered tardy. Attendance is taken in the classroom promptly at 8:10 AM. If students arrive after that time, they must report to the front office and request a tardy slip. Students should report to their first period classroom and present the slip to their teacher. Tardiness is unacceptable and has a negative impact on your child's education.
Dismissal/Pick Up
BHA has instituted a very effective and smooth dismissal procedure.
Parents wishing to pick up their children in the building are welcome to come in. Office personnel will announce each family name over the intercom for the children to come to the Field House Lobby. We ask that parents NOT go directly to the classrooms as this does not allow us to know the whereabouts of each child.
Each family or carpool is assigned a number and are able to access the line by 3:40 PM. Numbers will be called in order of their arrival to the line in front of school. School personnel are outside monitoring and sharing numbers with the office staff – which are then broadcast inside the classrooms via SmartBoards. Students can leave immediately upon seeing their name or carpool number. This procedure takes ten minutes. All students not picked up by 3:50 PM go to the After School Program. This is a security issue and NO exceptions are allowed. Any changes to carpool must be called in by 2:30 PM of that day. No calls will be accepted after 2:30 PM.
Bus Transportation
Bus transportation is available to students living in the Nicolet School District. If you would like your child to ride the school bus, please contact the school office for more information. The bus company will provide you with information regarding route numbers, pick-up and drop-off times.
BeforeCare & AfterCare
Bader Hillel Academy offers a structured, fee-based before/after school program. Enrolled students participate in planned activities, free play and homework time. The “BeforeCare” program begins at 7:30 AM.
The “AfterCare” program is open Monday through Thursday, 3:40 PM until 6:00 PM. Students who are not picked up during dismissal will be automatically escorted to AfterCare. Friday AfterCare hours are 3:40 PM to 5:00 PM. On early dismissal Fridays, AfterCare hours are from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM. AfterCare end times must be adhered to.
**Students not picked up by 3:50 PM will be brought to the AfterCare program and the family will be charged the drop-in rate. There are no exceptions. **
Cost of BeforeCare & AfterCare Programs
Enrollment cost for the BeforeCare program is $280.00 per child per year.
Parents can enroll their children in the BeforeCare or AfterCare programs by obtaining a form from the office. Sign-up for BeforeCare or AfterCare programming is part of the school contract. For occasional use of BeforeCare or AfterCare programs, please let us know in advance; a fee of $10 per use per child is charged. |
Absence & Check-Out/In Process
Please call the school office between 7:45 AM and 9:00 AM if your child will be absent for the day. Homework requests should be made at that time. Homework requested before 9:00 AM can be picked up in the office at the end of the school day by 3:50 PM, or can be sent with another student upon request.
Students needing to leave during the school day must bring a written note signed by a parent/guardian to the office at the beginning of the school day. A parent/guardian must come to the office to pick up their child. Parents may not directly retrieve children from their classrooms and all students must be signed out in the school office.
Upon returning to school, students must be signed in at the office and given an admission slip to return to class. Students may not wait outside the building to be picked up by parents at any time.
Vacations & Extended Absences
In the event that your child will be gone for an extended period of time, we ask that you inform the school at least one week prior to departure (with the exception of medical emergencies). Please send a written notice or email to the classroom teachers and the school office indicating the exact dates of absence. Arrangements can be made in advance to have work prepared during the child’s absence. Please indicate this request in your written notice to the teacher one week prior to departure. Homework is expected to be completed within a timeframe established with each classroom teacher.
School Emergency Closing
Bader Hillel Academy has multiple ways of disseminating information regarding school closings and emergencies. Parents will receive a message from BHA via our automated Sycamore SMS text messaging system to the cell phone number on file in the school database. Test broadcasts are done periodically throughout the school year to assure that all parents are reachable during an emergency closure. In the event of inclement weather, school closings will also be broadcast on WITI-Fox6, WTMJ4, and WISN12. Notification of all school closings will be posted to the school website and Facebook page when possible. Additionally, an email will be sent to all parents.
Recess is an integral part of our academic day. Recess gives the children an opportunity for social interaction, fresh air and the ability to develop physically and emotionally while engaging in play. Our middle school students have one 25 minute recess per day. Younger classes have an afternoon recess from 2:30-2:50 (or 3:00pm for K5). There are more class-wide opportunities pending weather and schedules. We go outside in all types of weather - including snow. A temperature below 14° and other weather advisory conditions are the infrequent occurrences when recess will not be held outside. In the rare case when a student needs to remain indoors at a scheduled recess time, they must turn in a written notice from their doctor. We request that students do not bring toys or equipment from home, as we cannot assure their safekeeping.