
Cheder Form 2024-2025

  • Child Information 


  • ------------------------------------------- 

    Dear Teachers,

     As we are forever indebted and grateful for all your hard work, your children come to Cheder for half price. 

    When regestering your child(ren) please check off the $180 option.


  • K5 - 8th Boys and Girls: 

    $360 per child.


    For those who are splitting the payments in half:

    The second payment of $180 (per child) will be charged on January 15th 2025.


    For those who are splitting the payments into thirds

    The second payment of $120 (per child) will be charged on January 15th 2025.

    The third payment $120 (per child) will be charged on April 22nd 2025.

  • $0.00
  • Credit Card
    Billing Address
  • Should be Empty:
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