Lunch Program


Bader Hillel Academy is proud to provide nutritious hot lunches for students, made right at the school. Staff members work to follow the National School Lunch Nutrition Guidelines and provide meals that are varied, healthy, and well-rounded. As part of the lunch program, school lunches are available for purchase; financial assistance is available for those who qualify.

Lunches brought to school by the students must be dairy and pareve. All bread and baked goods must be made with 100% vegetable shortening only. Please do not send cans or glass bottles. Please make sure food containers are easily opened by your child. We are a nut-free school, and lunches as well as snacks should be nut-free.

Email the office ([email protected]) for the link to the current lunch sign up form.

New! Lunch sign-up via Google Forms! 


Lunch Sign-Up Run-Down

  • You will be emailed a eNewsletter every Friday. The hot lunch menu is a linked button that directs you to the GoogleForm sign-up page.  
  • (Staff please fill out for yourself.)
  • Please include your last name with the names of your children.
  • Lunch sign up closes Friday at 9am (two weeks) BEFORE the serving month

Lunch Sign-Up Answers to FAQ 

1.  Please be sure your child wants the lunch you sign up for, you will still be charged for lunch even if your child does not eat it.

2. If you did NOT place an order and your child wants lunch, they will need to wait until the end - once everyone else has been served. You will be billed for the hot lunch.

3. If you do not sign up, your child will not get lunch.

4. If you are on the “sign us up always and forever” list you MUST let us know about pre-arranged absences to not be charged. Unfortunately, you will still be billed for lunches not eaten under this system, no exceptions. To get on this list, please email Miss Sue at [email protected].

5. You MUST have a current CVV code on file with Miss Sue (given during Snack & Unpack) in order to be charged via credit card for lunches.  Otherwise, a paper bill will be mailed to you. All balances NOT paid result in a holding of student report cards until balances are paid or arrangements have been made.

You may pre-pay at any time, lunches are $3.50 each ($4.50 for adults): Pay Here

For the current printable lunch menu: Click Here